Traditional Vasectomy

Traditional Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a minor procedure and a permanent form of birth control through male sterilisation. Most men that undergo vasectomy do so to prevent pregnancy without impacting their sex life as they have made the decision not to have more children.

The operation blocks sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. During a traditional vasectomy, a needle is used to anaesthetise a small area of skin on each side of the scrotum. A scalpel is then used to make a small incision on each side of the scrotum and access the tubes carrying sperm (vas deferens). A small segment is removed from each vas deferens and the ends are ligated with dissolvable ties. The wounds are then closed with sutures (stitches) which remain in place for six days and require removal. 

Traditional Vasectomy is more intrusive than the No-Scalpel Vasectomy technique for two main reasons:

  1. In Traditional Vasectomy, a scalpel is used to cut the skin on the scrotum, whereas a No Scalpel Vasectomy involves a significantly smaller, single keyhole entry in the midline of the scrotum. In a No Scalpel Vasectomy, there is no cutting of tissue.
  2. Traditional Vasectomy closes the wound with sutures (stitches). A No Scalpel Vasectomy does not require stitches and the wound heals quite quickly.

At Queensland Vasectomy Clinics, our surgeon Dr Valentine is skilled in performing both Traditional and No-Scalpel Vasectomies. He initially trained in the traditional vasectomy technique with Dr Greg Silver before completing further advanced training in the USA to specialise in the No-Scalpel open-ended technique. Dr Valentine has performed thousands of vasectomies and prefers the No Scalpel method as it is proven to be less invasive for men with a significantly lower complication rate though he still performs traditional vasectomies if requested by patients.